Thursday, December 16, 2010

Manila Bay, Metro Manila

From dawn to dusk...
This is how vivid the Manila Bay streetlights look like when you do your jogging in Manila Bay, Roxas Boulevard area. As someone coming from the province, I do find these street lamps captivating and elegant. :) A huge thanks to the one who invested in developing this memorable area in Manila.

Manila Bay is one of the finest harbors in the world. Stretching to an area of 1,994 km2 (769.9 sq mi), and a coastline of 190 km (118.1 mi), it does pretty much serve as a sight food to all tourists and locals. If you could still recall your History lessons, Manila Bay was the setting of the mock battle between the Spaniards and the Americans. It was also where the siege of the Corregidor Islands by the Japanese transpired.

Today, this serves as a tourist attraction. I enjoyed walking along the bay when I happen to accompany a good friend to her aerobics session in CCP. Here are my list of must dos when you happen to visit Manila Bay.

1) Don't miss out visiting Ocean Park!! Here you can enjoy watching up close the different marine species in the Philippines, enjoy fun games with your kids and even go to a spa where doctor fishes clean those tired feet.

2) Want to sweat during dawn? Jog along Manila Bay as you see other early morning birds doing their early routines. You can also enjoy a cheap aero session in harbor square.

2) Take time to visit the fabulous galleries in the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

3) Have some snapshots of the wonderful things you see as you walk on the bay.

4) Manila Yacht Club is found here, the most prestigious yacht club in the Philippines. :) Only members can enjoy the privileges... for non-members, you can enjoy by just taking a peek!!

5) And of course... marvel on sunset's beauty as your wonderful day in Manila Bay ends. :)



Let me know if there are stores or places in Manila Bay, Metro Manila that you suggest tourists to see. Leave a comment or PM me... I really want to hear what your travel experiences are. :)